Marketers Are Using Data Clean Rooms in More Advanced Ways: OMD’s Sébastian Hernoux

NEW YORK – Data clean rooms offer a way for businesses to match up their data without sharing the information or intermingling it. As marketers seek to harness consumer data while also protecting people’s privacy, clean rooms are finding more applications. “We are slowly moving into the world of more advanced use cases and multi-party [...]

Marketers Are Using Data Clean Rooms in More Advanced Ways: OMD’s Sébastian Hernoux
NEW YORK – Data clean rooms offer a way for businesses to match up their data without sharing the information or intermingling it. As marketers seek to harness consumer data while also protecting people’s privacy, clean rooms are finding more applications. “We are slowly moving into the world of more advanced use cases and multi-party clean rooms, but it’s still very nascent,” Sébastian Hernoux, chief data and technology officer at Omnicom’s OMD USA, said in this interview with Beet.TV contributor Michael Shields. “We’re working with CPGs [consumer packaged goods], for example, who have use cases around sharing data with retail partners, understanding consumer journeys using third-party data partners.” Data clean rooms are a form of “walled garden” in that they prevent the commingling of data, as digital advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook and Amazon have demonstrated. However, such siloed information makes it difficult for marketers to know if their campaigns are reaching the right consumers across multiple platforms. “It is going to be a win if we find a way to better share data. Today, we lack that that standardization of collaboration,” Hernoux said. “If we can make it work with multiple publishers and if the publishers work together to fight against the Google, Amazon, Facebook, then we have a real opportunity.” You’re watching “What’s Next in Clean Room Tech,” a Beet.TV Leadership Series presented by Habu. For more videos from this series, please visit this page.